The Merlin MP525 is a new multi purpose single, or dual seat academic flight simulation system with a wide angled visual, which can be supplied with a Bosch Rexroth six axis motion system, or as a static capsule. It is a natural progression from Merlin's established MP521.
The MP525 retains Merlin's unique proprietary flight software, Excalibur, exclusively written for academic usage, and regularly flown by Test Pilots.
The MP525 is a stunning new design offering the same attributes as the MP521, but its flexibility in use, and larger interior make it the ultimate tool for research and development purposes, with ample room to fit additional displays and user research equipment.
Due to Customer demand for larger visual screens, the MP525 has a wide angle visual display, which is the perfect medium for Merlin's new Real World Visual Display based upon Diamond Visionics Genesis RTX graphics providing worldwide geotypical terrain.
