Merlin Flight Simulation Group is the manufacturer, and the established market leader of the world's most advanced aircraft design realtime Engineering Flight Simulators for use in university schools/faculties teaching aeronautical/aerospace engineering.
At the heart of all Merlin's products in its UNIQUE FLIGHT SOFTWARE, EXCALIBUR, a fully non linear transonic real time six degrees of freedom application.
Excalibur enables designs to be created for the following types, or hybrids thereof:-
- Single and Multi Engined Piston and Turbo Prop Aircraft
- Single and Multi Engined Jet and Turbo Fan Aircraft
- Gliders
- Fixed Wing V/STOL
- Rotary Wing Aircraft with up to four rotors - and Auto Gyros
- Aerostats (Airships and Balloons)
- Low Earth Orbit Vehicles (horizontal or 'vertical' in take off)
The designs may be realised, without the need to write computer code, using geometric design data produced in the aircraft course design process. The data editor includes User defined Aeroelastic Attributes for lifting surfaces, and Dynamic Payload Shift. Excalibur enables students/researchers to 'Flight Test' novel designs to assess performance, and achievement of design objectives in complete safety.
Merlin's core product is their MP521 Engineering Flight Simulator, a fully enclosed capsule on a motion base, with external instructor station.
Due to customer demand, and the wide range or aero related subjects being taught at university Merlin now manufacture the:-
- MP500-1 Simulation Development and Control Station
- MP500-2 UAV Simulation and Development Station
- MPATC Air Traffic Control Simulation Station
Each of which may be operated individually, or linked with other Merlin Simulation Stations, through Merlin's Distributed Interactive Simulation, enabling students to appreciate the vital task of the Air Traffic Controller, as well as the need to design aircraft which have excellent stability and control.