IT FLIES US 2017 - Results
IT FLIES 2017 at The University of Dayton was a truly international affair - with a great, enthusiastic bunch of students.
As usual the test pilot judges were brilliant - flying and assessing all the designs, and taking time to explain any faults.
Likewise the presentation judges were very active in their questioning after each project presentation.
The first prize winners, the VTOL team from The University of Manchester won $800 from Merlin Products Ltd., and affiliate membership of The Royal Aeronautical Society.
The same team also won $100 for giving the best project presentation
The prize for the Most Innovative Design of $200 was won by the other MU team with their Hybrid aircraft.
Second and third placed students in both sections received copies of The Aviation Historian
The University of Manchester, Yufei Jin, Ana Gea Espinos, Thomas Moissinac. Two person short range VTOL aircraft with electrical propulsion system.
The University of Dayton, Ryan Vince. Boeing 757-200.
The University of Dayton, Hunter Johnston, Jacob Korczyk, Mark Susong. Crop duster.
Prize for the Most Innovative Design:-
The University of Manchester, Charles-Antoine Lassonery, Kavin Kumar, Seiya Sato Hybrid aircraft with better performance and efficiency compared to a B757 o the A321neo.
Prizes for the Best Project Presentation:-
The University of Manchester VTOL aircraft
The University of Manchester Hybrid aircraft
The University of Dayton Tim Gerham, Acrobatic aircraft

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Winners - Yufei Jin, Ana Gea Espinos, Thomas Moissinac.

Winners Most Innovative Design - Charles-Antoine Lassonery, Kavin Kumar, Seiya Sato