IT FLIES US 2018 - Results
A great day at The University of Dayton! Nine entries this year, plenty of students learning from the three test pilots who judged the flying, and the three flight engineers that judged the presentation section. Three teams flew in from the UK, and Mississippi State University drove the 10 hours up to Dayton to compete!
First Prize: $500 sponsored by Merlin Products Ltd., went to Will Cammick of The University of Dayton for his KC-135 simulation.
The Prize for The Most Innovative Design - $200 from Merlin Products went to The University of Manchester's team that designed 'Dragonfly' - a flying car. Manchester were also runners up in that section with their other team's entry of a quad tilt rotor helicopter, 'Hummingbird'.
Best Presentation Prize - a book on 'Test Flying at Old Wright Field', kindly sponsored by The University of Dayton went to The University of South Wales with their simulation of a blended wing body cargo aircraft.
All winners received The Society of Experimental Test Pilots' Chapter Coins.
Will Cammack received a complimentary student membership of The Royal Aeronautical Society, and all prize winners received copies of The Aviation Historian Magazine (which is also popular with the test pilots!!)
A special thank you to all our judges, Gary, Frank, Brad, Len, James and Troy, and also to our sponsors, The Aviation Historian Magazine, The University of Dayton, and The Royal Aeronautical Society for making IT FLIES USA 2018 such a successful event.

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Will Cammack, the winner with Frank Delsing, his test pilot

Flight test!

Manchester students
Photography: Christian Cubacub