First MP521 installed in the U.S.A.!
Merlin recently installed the first MP521 simulator into the USA at The University of Dayton, Ohio for use in teaching and research.
The comprehensive equipment consists of an engineering flight simulator on motion, an instructor's station, and an MP500, a static simulation station, which can be integrated with the main simulator for interactive flight. Thus the 521 and 500 are able to operate individually, or be flown within the same visual scene.
The Dayton package also includes the Rotary Wing Option, the facility to enable Airship and Balloon Simulation, and the VSTOL Aero Software.
The MP521 was the subject matter of a talk and demonstration given by Managing Director Chris Neal to the Dayton-Cincinnati Section of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics entitled 'Engineering Flight Simulators, What's the Difference?'