Merlin Flight Simulation Group install an MP521 simulator at The University of East London
Merlin have recently installed an MP521 into the School of Architecture, Computing and Engineering at The University of East London.
Professor Fawad Inam, Head of Engineering and Construction, and Professor, Mechanical Engineering said:-
'The addition of Merlin 521 flight simulator will serve as a key enthusing gadget for variety of our engineering courses in the disciplines of aeronautical, mechanical, mechatronics and computer systems engineering. Being next to the London City Airport, the University of East London (UEL) is a premier destination for Industry 4.0 aligned engineering graduates, now ever to required! As an ex-Airbus researcher and Professor of Mechanical Engineering, I am pleased to work closely with our collaborators at the Merlin Flight Simulation Group, Merlin Sim group and look forward to enhancing our students' experience further using Merlin Sim' engineered solutions. In addition to our recently launched aeronautical engineering undergraduate course, the flight simulator will serve of number of design modules in mechanical, general and engineering management course. It will also be used for various taster sessions for our feeder schools, colleges and prospective engineering students.'