Farnborough Air Sciences Trust Cody Flyer Project
Merlin will make a simulation of the Cody 1A aircraft (pictured below) for the Farnborough Air Sciences Trust(FAST). FAST is dedicated to the preservation of the aeronautical heritage of Farnborough, Hampshire, and in particular that of the Royal Aircraft Establishment and its antecedants.

To commemorate the centenary of the first powered, controlled flight in the UK of a heavier than air machine which took place at Farnborough on 16 October 1908, FAST is building a full scale replica of the aircraft in which Samuel Franklin Cody made that historic flight (www.codyflyerproject.com).
As this is a static replica, FAST have welcomed Merlin's sponsorship of a simulator - which using controls similar to those devised by Cody, will allow all to experience the flight characteristics and handling problems of that first aircraft.