V/STOL and Airships Software will enable Salford students to design new aircraft
Merlin have just received an order from The University of Salford for a major update to their flight software for their MP520 Engineering Flight Simulator.
The extra software package will enable students to design Vertical Take Off and Landing Aircraft, also Airships and Balloons.
Dr. Thurai Rahulan, from The University of Salford said:-
"All Undergraduates and Taught MSc students registered on Aerospace degree programmes at Salford University are introduced to lifting gas buoyancy and ducted propulsion theories at an early stage before the curriculum is allowed to become dominated by classical aerodynamics. Although aerostat and vectored thrust based flying machines are not suited for many applications, they do enjoy certain advantages which are most appropriate for certain types of missions. In order to better appreciate the handling qualities of rotorcraft and airships equipped with vectored thrust propulsion units, Salford is now able to better illustrate the idiosyncratic behaviour of such aircraft in its Merlin Engineering Simulator thanks to the latest inclusion of the associated mathematical models."