Merlin receive multi simulator order from The Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
Merlin Flight Simulation Group are to supply The Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences with four new engineering flight simulators to assist with their teaching.
Ir. Raymond Teunissen, lecturer Aviation Studies at the Amsterdam Aviation Academy said 'The Aviation Academy at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences offers a 4-year Bachelor's course in Aviation Engineering, leading to a BEng degree. The Merlin simulators will initially be used in the second year 'Stability and Control' course, and the third year 'Design, Build, (Simulate and) Fly' Minor. As experience is gained, the Academy expects to expand the use of the simulators to the entire curriculum'.
The new simulators, three MP500-1's and one MP500-2 will be installed in the University by the end of March 2015.
Merlin currently have fifteen universities in the UK using twenty one of their simulation systems, and two in the USA using four systems.
Chris Neal, Managing Director of Merlin said 'We are delighted with our first European order, and very much look forward to working with the staff and students at The Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences'.
For more details please contact:-
Marion Neal
Tel. +44 (0) 1403 711799